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RT @AnoveObtentores: Llevamos años hablando de la certificación @ESTA y de su importancia, seguimos pensando que es un tema muy importante…

@MASSeeds twitter

RT @BrightMaize: Here’s @frogmarygreen in Somerset drilling some of their maize under film! 🌽💪🌽

The variety is Mas 24C! 👍👍

#farminguk @ma…

@MASSeeds twitter

We are still expanding our #GreenPlus portfolio ! Hybrid to secure feed efficiency in changing climate. Learn more… https://t.co/q277xyJbTh

@MASSeeds twitter

#Spring is there, 2021 corn sowing campaign as already started in South Europe. This year MAS Seeds is launching 2… https://t.co/eOuK7U6RmU

@MASSeeds twitter

For the first time, 4 MASTROP tropical maize varieties are officially registered in Ivory Coast. 🎉
This will give… https://t.co/faXvXNIdfg

@MASSeeds twitter

If you haven't had time to go on an egg hunt, we've got one for you now. 🥚

4 are hidden in this rapeseed field. 🌼… https://t.co/8L4o6iwGny

@MASSeeds twitter

Improving seed treatment for even more resistant and healthier plants is a key factor in crop yield. 📈

#MASSeeds h… https://t.co/s66c81bi2l

@MASSeeds twitter

RT @BrightMaize: Orders are already coming in this Monday Morning! 👍🌽

Two mid maturity varieties to consider for excellent feed value & hi…

@MASSeeds twitter

Today is #WorldWaterDay. 🌍

Freshwater resources are limited and should be managed with care. This is why #MASSeedshttps://t.co/HnES8bYRVP

@MASSeeds twitter

At MAS Seeds, we have committed and united teams, who act for a different agriculture 🌱🧬👩‍🌾👨‍🌾
Even more in this p… https://t.co/8KmIYC64ty

@MASSeeds twitter
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